
The easiest way to get started with ForML is to go through its practical tutorials presented in this chapter. Assuming you have already installed ForML as per the installation instructions (ensure you have at least the dask, graphviz and rest extra features installed) and ideally also familiarized yourself with the ForML principles, you can now go straight through the following list of step-by-step examples demonstrating the ForML capabilities.

Common Setup

The tutorials depend on the following initial environment configuration:

Assuming you have no existing feeds configured in your system yet, let’s install the Openlake feed:

$ pip install --constraints https://raw.githubusercontent.com/formlio/openlake/main/constraints.txt 'openlake[kaggle]'

Let’s now configure the local ForML platform by adding the following content to your ~/.forml/config.toml:

default = "compute"

provider = "dask"
scheduler = "threads"

provider = "graphviz"
format = "png"

default = "tutorial"

provider = "posix"
path = "/tmp/forml-tutorial/registry"

default = ["openlake"]

provider = "openlake:Lite"

default = "print"

provider = "stdout"

default = "tutorial"

provider = "posix"
path = "/tmp/forml-tutorial/inventory"

default = "http"

provider = "rest"
port = 8080
processes = 2


Make sure to configure your Kaggle API access token under the ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json as described in the Kaggle API Documentation to get access to all of the datasets used in this tutorial.

Your local environment is now ready to perform all the runtime actions demonstrated in these tutorials.

Tutorials List

The list of available tutorials is: