
This chapter provides a brief description of the main principles behind the ForML architecture. Conceptually, they can be split into two main categories as presented in the following sections - one dealing with the project implementation perspective and the other focusing on its operational aspects.

Project Formalization

Formalization is the prime concept ForML is built upon. Having a common component structure for ML projects, an expression API for their workflows, and a generic data source DSL describing the required data inputs allows to programmatically handle the entire project life cycle. Moreover, it leads to a cleaner implementation that is easier to maintain, extend or exchange between different environments.

Project Component Structure

ForML introduces its lightweight convention for organizing machine learning projects on the source code level. This is to lay down a structure that can be understood across projects and allows (not only) ForML itself to interpret it programmatically.

A thorough description of the ForML project layout is described in the Project Organization chapter.

Data Source DSL

ForML comes with a robust DSL for specifying the data requirements of each project. This allows to decouple ForML projects from any explicit data source formats and storages and only refer to data using their abstract schemas. It is then the job of the particular runtime platform to feed the project pipeline with the actual data based on the given DSL query.

The full guide and the DSL reference can be found in the Data Source DSL chapter.

Workflow Expression API

ForML provides an elegant API for describing project workflows as expressions of operator compositions. Workflow expressions transparently expand into a low-level acyclic task dependency graph (DAG) of primitive actors. Based on the internal implementation of each of the operators composed in the given expression, ForML is able to derive different task graphs depending on the actual life cycle phase. This leaves the workflow definition very clean - with all the main complexity carried out in lower layers.

More on the Operator and Actor concepts is discussed in the Workflow Fundamentals chapters.

Life Cycle Handle

Thanks to the formal project setup, ForML is inherently able to handle all of the defined project life cycle actions right out of the box.

For more details, please see the Life Cycle Management chapter.

Runtime Independence

ForML has been carefully designed to entirely abstract away all of the fundamental runtime dependencies so that project implementations stay decoupled from any particular execution mechanism, storage technology, or data source format. This allows running the same unchanged project against an arbitrary combination of these runtime providers. Specific providers are selected via the configuration of the runtime environment called simply the ForML platform.

Data Input & Output

The project-defined data source DSL query gets translated into a reader-specific ETL code and interpreted by one of the available schema-matching feed providers. Feeds can potentially serve an arbitrary number of data sources that are advertised against their representative schema catalogs also referenced from projects. A platform can be preconfigured with multiple different feeds held in a pool which at query time selects a feed that is most suitable for the given project query.

Similarly, any output produced by ForML pipelines gets captured by the platform and sent to a configured sink.

See the IO Concept chapter for more information about the related concepts.


Life cycle iterations of ForML projects depend on the external persistence of their two main artifact types - the particular version of the project code and the collection of its internal states acquired during training/tuning. ForML platform automatically handles this persistence via its supported registry providers.

See the Model Persistence chapter for the complete description of the persistence layer as well as the list of the available registry implementations.


At runtime, the native actor DAG produced through the operator composition gets transcoded to the specific representation of the selected third-party task dependency runner, and the actual execution is carried under its control.

A list of the supported runner providers as well as further details on this topic can be found in the Pipeline Runner chapter.


A specific high-level extension of the execution principle is the serving layer allowing exposure of the published models for online inference. ForML defers to its application gateway providers to implement different possible serving interfaces configured as part of the runtime platform.

See the Serving Engine chapter for more details.