Source code for forml.runtime._agent

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Executor component.
import abc
import functools
import logging
import typing

import forml
from forml import evaluation
from forml import flow as flowmod
from forml import io as iomod
from forml import project, provider, setup
from import asset as assetmod
from import dsl

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from forml import flow, io  # pylint: disable=reimported
    from import asset  # pylint: disable=reimported

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Runner(provider.Service, default=setup.Runner.default, path=setup.Runner.path): """Base class for implementing ForML runner providers. The public API allows performing all the standard actions of the :doc:`ForML lifecycles <lifecycle>`. All that needs to be supplied by the provider is the abstract :meth:`run` method. Args: instance: A particular instance of the persistent artifacts to be executed. feed: Optional input feed instance to retrieve the data from (falls back to the default configured feed). sink: Output sink instance (no output is produced if omitted). kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the :meth:`run` method. """ _METRIC_SCHEMA = dsl.Schema.from_fields(dsl.Field(dsl.Float(), name='Metric')) def __init__( self, instance: typing.Optional['asset.Instance'] = None, feed: typing.Optional['io.Feed'] = None, sink: typing.Optional['io.Sink'] = None, **kwargs, ): self._instance: 'asset.Instance' = instance or assetmod.Instance() self._feed: 'io.Feed' = feed or iomod.Feed() self._sink: typing.Optional['io.Sink'] = sink self._kwargs: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any] = kwargs def start(self) -> None: """Runner startup routine.""" def close(self) -> None: """Runner shutdown routine.""" def __enter__(self) -> 'Runner': self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def train(self, lower: typing.Optional[dsl.Native] = None, upper: typing.Optional[dsl.Native] = None) -> None: """Run the training code. Args: lower: Ordinal value as the lower bound for the ETL cycle. upper: Ordinal value as the upper bound for the ETL cycle. """ composition = self._build(lower or, upper, self._instance.project.pipeline) self._exec( composition.train, self._instance.state(composition.persistent, ) def apply(self, lower: typing.Optional[dsl.Native] = None, upper: typing.Optional[dsl.Native] = None) -> None: """Run the applying code. Args: lower: Ordinal value as the lower bound for the ETL cycle. upper: Ordinal value as the upper bound for the ETL cycle. """ composition = self._build(lower, upper, self._instance.project.pipeline, output=None) # TO-DO: sink schema self._exec(composition.apply, self._instance.state(composition.persistent)) def tune(self, lower: typing.Optional[dsl.Native] = None, upper: typing.Optional[dsl.Native] = None) -> None: """Run the tune mode. Args: lower: Ordinal value as the lower bound for the ETL cycle. upper: Ordinal value as the upper bound for the ETL cycle. """ raise forml.MissingError('Not yet supported') def eval_traintest( self, lower: typing.Optional[dsl.Native] = None, upper: typing.Optional[dsl.Native] = None ) -> None: """Run the development mode (backtesting) evaluation (training the model from scratch). Args: lower: Ordinal value as the lower bound for the ETL cycle. upper: Ordinal value as the upper bound for the ETL cycle. """ composition = self._eval(lower, upper, lambda s: evaluation.TrainTestScore(s.metric, s.method)) self._exec(composition.train) def eval_perftrack( self, lower: typing.Optional[dsl.Native] = None, upper: typing.Optional[dsl.Native] = None ) -> None: """Run the production performance tracking evaluation (predictions of an existing model). Args: lower: Ordinal value as the lower bound for the ETL cycle. upper: Ordinal value as the upper bound for the ETL cycle. """ composition = self._eval(lower, upper, lambda s: evaluation.PerfTrackScore(s.metric)) self._exec(composition.train, self._instance.state(composition.persistent)) def _eval( self, lower: typing.Optional[dsl.Native], upper: typing.Optional[dsl.Native], evaluator: typing.Callable[[project.Evaluation], 'flow.Operator'], ) -> 'flow.Composition': """Helper for setting up the evaluation composition. Args: lower: Ordinal value as the lower bound for the ETL cycle. upper: Ordinal value as the upper bound for the ETL cycle. evaluator: Callback to provide an operator based on the given evaluation spec. Returns: Evaluation composition. """ spec = self._instance.project.evaluation if not spec: raise forml.MissingError('Project not evaluable') return self._build( lower, upper, self._instance.project.pipeline >> evaluator(spec), output=self._METRIC_SCHEMA, ) def _build( self, lower: typing.Optional[dsl.Native], upper: typing.Optional[dsl.Native], *blocks: 'flow.Composable', output: typing.Optional[dsl.Source.Schema] = None, ) -> 'flow.Composition': """Assemble the chain of blocks with the mandatory ETL cycle. Args: lower: Ordinal value as the lower bound for the ETL cycle. upper: Ordinal value as the upper bound for the ETL cycle. blocks: Composable block to assemble (each with its own composition domain). output: Output schema. Returns: Assembled flow pipeline. """ composition = flowmod.Composition.builder( self._feed.load(self._instance.project.source.extract, lower, upper), self._instance.project.source.transform, ) composition = functools.reduce(flowmod.Composition.Builder.via, blocks, composition) return if self._sink else None) def _exec(self, segment: 'flow.Segment', assets: typing.Optional['asset.State'] = None) -> None: """Execute the given segment and assets. Args: segment: Pipeline segment. assets: Persistent assets to be used. Returns: Optional return value. """ return, assets), **self._kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def run(cls, symbols: typing.Collection['flow.Symbol'], **kwargs) -> None: """Actual run action implementation using the specific provider execution technology. Args: symbols: Collection of portable symbols representing the workflow task graph to be executed as produced by the :func:`flow.compile() <forml.flow.compile>` function. kwargs: Custom keyword arguments provided via the constructor. """ raise NotImplementedError()