Source code for forml.provider.runner.spark

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Spark runner.
import logging
import typing

import pyspark

from forml import flow, runtime

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from forml import io
    from import asset

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Runner(runtime.Runner, alias='spark'): """ForML runner utilizing :doc:`Apache Spark <pyspark:index>` as a distributed executor. Args: kwargs: Any `Spark Configuration options <>`_. The provider can be enabled using the following :ref:`platform configuration <platform-config>`: .. code-block:: toml :caption: config.toml [RUNNER.compute] provider = "spark" "spark.driver.cores" = 1 "spark.driver.memory" = "1g" "spark.executor.cores" = 2 "spark.executor.memory" = "1g" "spark.executor.pyspark.memory" = "1g" Important: Select the ``spark`` :ref:`extras to install <install-extras>` ForML together with the Spark support. Note: ForML uses Spark purely as an *executor* without any deeper integration with its robust data management API. """ DEFAULTS = {'': 'ForML'} def __init__( self, instance: typing.Optional['asset.Instance'] = None, feed: typing.Optional['io.Feed'] = None, sink: typing.Optional['io.Sink'] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(instance, feed, sink) self._config: pyspark.SparkConf = pyspark.SparkConf().setAll((self.DEFAULTS | kwargs).items()) self._context: typing.Optional[pyspark.SparkContext] = None def start(self) -> None: self._context = pyspark.SparkContext.getOrCreate(self._config) def close(self) -> None: self._context.stop() # pylint: disable=protected-access self._context._gateway.shutdown() self._context._gateway.proc.kill() pyspark.SparkContext._jvm = None pyspark.SparkContext._active_spark_context = None pyspark.SparkContext._gateway = None self._context = None @staticmethod def _submit(spark: pyspark.SparkContext, symbols: typing.Collection[flow.Symbol]) -> typing.Iterable[pyspark.RDD]: """Build and submit the task graph in Spark representation. Args: symbols: Internal DAG representation in form of the compiled symbols. Returns: Leaf nodes of the constructed DAG. """ def apply(instruction: flow.Instruction, *args: pyspark.RDD) -> pyspark.RDD: """Perform the instruction using the given RDDs as arguments. Args: instruction: Flow instruction to be performed. *args: RDDs to be used as arguments. Returns: Result in form of a RDD. """ if not args: return spark.parallelize([instruction()]) if len(args) == 1: return args[0].map(instruction) return spark.parallelize([instruction(*(a.collect()[0] for a in args))]) def link(leaf: flow.Instruction) -> pyspark.RDD: """Recursive linking the given leaf to its upstream branch. Args: leaf: The leaf node to be linked upstream. Returns: The leaf node linked to its upstream branch. """ if leaf not in nodes: nodes[leaf] = apply(leaf, *(link(a) for a in arguments.get(leaf, []))) else: nodes[leaf].cache() return nodes[leaf] arguments: typing.Mapping[flow.Instruction, typing.Sequence[flow.Instruction]] = dict(symbols) assert len(arguments) == len(symbols), 'Duplicated symbols in DAG sequence' leaves = set(arguments).difference(p for a in arguments.values() for p in a) assert leaves, 'Not acyclic' nodes: dict[flow.Instruction, pyspark.RDD] = {} return (link(d) for d in leaves) @classmethod def run(cls, symbols: typing.Collection[flow.Symbol], **kwargs) -> None: for result in cls._submit(pyspark.SparkContext.getOrCreate(), symbols): result.collect()