Source code for forml.provider.runner.graphviz

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Runtime that just renders the pipeline DAG visualization.
import logging
import pathlib
import typing

import graphviz as grviz

from forml import flow, runtime, setup
from forml.pipeline import payload

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from forml import io
    from import asset

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Runner(runtime.Runner, alias='graphviz'): """(Pseudo)runner using the :doc:`Graphviz drawing software <graphviz:index>` for rendering graphical visualization of the workflow task graph. The workflow obviously does not get really executed! For better readability, the runner is using the following shapes to plot the different objects: =========== ======================================= Shape Meaning =========== ======================================= Square box Actor in train mode. Round box Actor in apply mode. Ellipse System actor for output port selection. Cylinder System actor for state persistence. Solid edge Data transfer. Dotted edge State transfer. =========== ======================================= Args: filepath: Target path for producing the DOT file. view: If True, open the rendered result with the default application. options: Any of the supported (and non-colliding) :class:`graphviz.Digraph` keyword arguments. The provider can be enabled using the following :ref:`platform configuration <platform-config>`: .. code-block:: toml :caption: config.toml [RUNNER.visual] provider = "graphviz" format = "svg" engine = "dot" graph_attr = { rankdir = "LR", bgcolor = "transparent" } node_attr = { nodesep = "0.75", ranksep = "0.75" } edge_attr = { weight = "1.2" } Important: Select the ``graphviz`` :ref:`extras to install <install-extras>` ForML together with the Graphviz support. Additionally, download and install also the `native Graphviz system binary <>`_ (OS specific procedure). """ FILEPATH = f'{setup.APPNAME}.dot' OPTIONS = {'graph_attr': {'bgcolor': 'transparent'}} def __init__( self, instance: typing.Optional['asset.Instance'] = None, feed: typing.Optional['io.Feed'] = None, sink: typing.Optional['io.Sink'] = None, filepath: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, view: bool = True, **options: typing.Any, ): sniffer: typing.Optional[payload.Sniff] = None if isinstance(sink, runtime.Virtual.Sink): sniffer = sink._sniffer # pylint: disable=protected-access super().__init__(instance, feed, sink, filepath=filepath, view=view, options=options, sniffer=sniffer) @classmethod def run(cls, symbols: typing.Collection[flow.Symbol], **kwargs) -> None: dot: grviz.Digraph = grviz.Digraph(**(cls.OPTIONS | kwargs['options'])) for sym in symbols: nodekw = {'shape': 'ellipse'} outkw = {'style': 'solid'} if isinstance(sym.instruction, flow.Functor): nodekw.update(shape='box') if flow.Train not in sym.instruction.action: nodekw.update(style='rounded') elif isinstance(sym.instruction, (flow.Loader, flow.Dumper, flow.Committer)): nodekw.update(shape='cylinder') outkw.update(style='dotted') dot.node(repr(id(sym.instruction)), repr(sym.instruction), **nodekw) for idx, arg in enumerate(sym.arguments): inkw = dict(outkw) if isinstance(arg, (flow.Loader, flow.Dumper)) or ( isinstance(arg, flow.Functor) and flow.Train in arg.action ): inkw.update(style='dotted') dot.edge(repr(id(arg)), repr(id(sym.instruction)), label=repr(idx), **inkw) dot.render(pathlib.Path(kwargs['filepath'] or cls.FILEPATH), view=kwargs['view']) if kwargs['sniffer'] and (client := kwargs['sniffer']._client): # pylint: disable=protected-access client.set(dot)