Source code for forml.pipeline.wrap._auto

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Auto wrapping features.
import abc
import builtins
import collections
import contextlib
import inspect
import logging
import sys
import types
import typing

from sklearn import base as sklbase

from . import _actor, _operator

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from forml import flow
    from forml.pipeline import wrap

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Entity = typing.TypeVar('Entity')
Class = typing.TypeVar('Class', bound=type)

[docs]class Auto(typing.Generic[Entity], abc.ABC): """Generic base class for auto-wrapper implementations. If supplied to the :func:`wrap.importer() <forml.pipeline.wrap.importer>` context manager when capturing the imports, each discovered entity within the imported namespace is checked against the auto-wrapper using its :meth:`match` method and if compatible it gets wrapped in-place using its :meth:`apply` method. Each auto-wrapper needs to implement the following methods: Methods: match(entity): Check this wrapper is capable of wrapping the given entity into a ForML operator. Args: entity: Wrapping candidate subject. Returns: True if this wrapper is capable to wrap the entity. apply(entity): Actual wrapping implementation. Args: entity: Wrapping subject. Returns: ForML `operator-type-like` callable compatible with the signature of the wrapped entity. """ def __call__(self, entity: Entity) -> typing.Callable[..., 'flow.Operator']: if not self.match(entity): raise TypeError(f'Incompatible wrapping: {entity}') return self.apply(entity) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def match(self, entity: typing.Any) -> bool: """Check this wrapper is capable of wrapping the given entity into a ForML operator. See Also: Full description in the class docstring. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def apply(self, entity: Entity) -> typing.Callable[..., 'flow.Operator']: """Actual wrapping implementation. See Also: Full description in the class docstring. """
class AutoClass(collections.namedtuple('AutoClass', 'base, apply'), typing.Generic[Class], Auto[Class]): """Class-specific wrapper.""" base: Class apply: typing.Callable[[Class], typing.Callable[..., 'flow.Operator']] def __repr__(self): return Auto.__repr__(self) def match(self, entity: Class) -> bool: return inspect.isclass(entity) and issubclass(entity, self.base) and not inspect.isabstract(entity)
[docs]class AutoSklearnTransformer(AutoClass[type[sklbase.TransformerMixin]]): """Auto-wrapper for turning Scikit-learn *transformers* into ForML operators. Instances can be used with :func:`wrap.importer <forml.pipeline.wrap.importer>` to auto-wrap Scikit-learn transformers upon importing. Hint: Supports not just the official Scikit-learn transformers but any :class:`sklearn.base.TransformerMixin` subclasses including 3rd party implementations. Args: apply: Customizable :meth:`mapping <forml.pipeline.wrap.Actor.type>` for the *apply-mode* target endpoint. Defaults to a ``transform`` literal. """ def __new__(cls, apply: typing.Union[str, typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]] = 'transform'): def wrap(transformer: type[sklbase.TransformerMixin]): return _operator.Operator.mapper(_actor.Actor.type(transformer, train='fit', apply=apply)) return super().__new__(cls, sklbase.TransformerMixin, wrap)
[docs]class AutoSklearnClassifier(AutoClass[type[sklbase.ClassifierMixin]]): """AutoSklearnClassifier(apply: typing.Union[str, typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]] = predict_proba[-1]) Auto-wrapper for turning Scikit-learn *classifiers* into ForML operators. Instances can be used with :func:`wrap.importer <forml.pipeline.wrap.importer>` to auto-wrap Scikit-learn classifiers upon importing. Hint: Supports not just the official Scikit-learn classifiers but any :class:`sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin` subclasses including 3rd party implementations. Args: apply: Customizable :meth:`mapping <forml.pipeline.wrap.Actor.type>` for the *apply-mode* target endpoint. Defaults to a callback hitting the ``.predict_proba`` and returning the last of its produced columns (conveniently the 1-class probability in case of binary classification; for multiclass this needs tweaking). """ def __new__( cls, apply: typing.Union[str, typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]] = lambda c, *a, **kw: c.predict_proba( # noqa: B008 *a, **kw ).transpose()[-1], ): def wrap(classifier: type[sklbase.ClassifierMixin]): return _operator.Operator.apply(_actor.Actor.type(classifier, train='fit', apply=apply)) return super().__new__(cls, sklbase.ClassifierMixin, wrap)
[docs]class AutoSklearnRegressor(AutoClass[type[sklbase.RegressorMixin]]): """Auto-wrapper for turning Scikit-learn *regressors* into ForML operators. Instances can be used with :func:`wrap.importer <forml.pipeline.wrap.importer>` to auto-wrap Scikit-learn regressors upon importing. Hint: Supports not just the official Scikit-learn regressors but any :class:`sklearn.base.RegressorMixin` subclasses including 3rd party implementations. Args: apply: Customizable :meth:`mapping <forml.pipeline.wrap.Actor.type>` for the *apply-mode* target endpoint. Defaults to a ``predict`` literal. """ def __new__(cls, apply: typing.Union[str, typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]] = 'predict'): def wrap(regressor: type[sklbase.RegressorMixin]): return _operator.Operator.apply(_actor.Actor.type(regressor, train='fit', apply=apply)) return super().__new__(cls, sklbase.RegressorMixin, wrap)
#: Default list of auto-wrapper implementations. AUTO = [ AutoSklearnTransformer(), AutoSklearnClassifier(), AutoSklearnRegressor(), ] def _walk(owner: object, *attrs: str, seen: typing.Optional[set] = None) -> typing.Iterable[tuple[object, str, object]]: """Helper for traversing the given (or all) attributes of the owning object and returning all of its submodules or subclasses. Args: owner: Module or class to traverse. attrs: Potential explicit list of owner's attribute names to traverse. seen: Internal memo to avoid cycles. Returns: Iterator of tuple with owning object, attribute name and attribute instance. """ if not seen: seen = set() if owner in seen: return seen.add(owner) for label in attrs or dir(owner): if (instance := getattr(owner, label, None)) is None: continue if inspect.ismodule(instance): # dive into the module yield from _walk(instance, seen=seen) continue yield owner, label, instance if inspect.isclass(instance): # also walk the inner classes yield from _walk(instance, seen=seen) def _unload(name: str, *subs: str) -> None: """Helper for unloading the given module, all of its parents and potential submodules. Args: name: Module name to unload including all of its parents. subs: List of submodules to also unload. """ for full in (f'{name}.{s}' for s in subs): if full in sys.modules: del sys.modules[full] while name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[name] name = name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def importer(*wrappers: 'wrap.Auto') -> typing.Iterable[None]: """Context manager capturing all direct imports and :ref:`wrapping <operator-autowrap>` their matching entities using the *explicit* or *default* list of *auto-wrappers*. The signature of the wrapped object is compatible with the original entity. Args: wrappers: Sequences of the auto-wrapper implementations to be matched and potentially (if compatible) applied to the discovered wrapping candidates. If no explicit value is provided, the default :attr:`wrap.AUTO <AUTO>` list of auto-wrapper implementations is used. Returns: Context manager under which the direct imports become subject to auto-wrapping. Examples: All three possible import syntax alternatives are supported, although only the first one is recommended:: with wrap.importer(): # 1. auto-wrap just the explicit members (recommended): from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier # 2. auto-wrap all members discovered in ensemble.* # (not recommended - unnecessarily heavy) from sklearn import ensemble # 3. similar but without the namespace # (even less recommended - heavy and dirty) from sklearn.ensemble import * Example use-case importing the ``sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier`` classifier wrapped as a ForML operator that can be directly used within a pipeline composition expression: >>> from forml import flow >>> from forml.pipeline import wrap >>> >>> with wrap.importer(): ... from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier ... >>> RFC = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=30, max_depth=10) >>> isinstance(RFC, flow.Operator) True >>> PIPELINE = preprocessing.Prepare() >> RFC """ def wrapping( name: str, globals=None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin locals=None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin fromlist=(), level=0, ) -> types.ModuleType: """Our injected importer function matching the original __import__ signature. Args: name: Module name to import. globals: Globals. locals: Locals. fromlist: Explicit list of components to be imported (and matched for wrapping). level: Returns: Imported module. """ caller = inspect.getmodule(inspect.currentframe().f_back) if caller != source: # ignore secondary imports return native(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) builtins.__import__ = native # we don't want to be called for imports from imports... LOGGER.debug('Importing %s using autowrap', name) if not fromlist: # might be None fromlist = () _unload(name, *fromlist) # drop cache to avoid patching existing instances and hitting any cached modules module = native(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) patched = set() for owner, label, instance in _walk(module, *fromlist): for autowrap in wrappers: if autowrap.match(instance): LOGGER.debug('Patching %s.%s using %s', owner.__name__, label, autowrap) setattr(owner, label, autowrap(instance)) patched.add(owner.__name__) break for owner in patched: # drop cache so the patched instance doesn't get used elsewhere _unload(owner) builtins.__import__ = wrapping # to again capture the next top-level import return module if not wrappers: wrappers = AUTO source = inspect.getmodule(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back) LOGGER.debug('Autowrap called from %s', source) native = builtins.__import__ builtins.__import__ = wrapping yield builtins.__import__ = native