Source code for forml.pipeline.wrap._actor

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Utilities for creating actors using decorator wrappings.

import abc
import copyreg
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import types
import typing

import cloudpickle

from forml import flow

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Class(abc.ABCMeta):
    """Wrapped class-based actor metaclass."""

    Target = typing.Union[str, typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]]

    class Actor(flow.Actor[flow.Features, flow.Labels, flow.Result], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
        """Wrapper around user class implementing the Actor interface."""

        class Decorated:
            """Decorated representation of the mapping target."""

            def __init__(self, instance: object, decorator: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]):
                self._instance: object = instance
                self._decorator: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any] = decorator

            def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return self._decorator(self._instance, *args, **kwargs)

        class Origin(abc.ABC):
            """Wrapped origin class (to be injected by metaclass)."""

        def Mapping(self) -> typing.Mapping[str, 'Class.Target']:  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            """Mapping from the Actor API to the Origin API (to be injected by metaclass)."""

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self._origin = self.Origin(*args, **kwargs)

        def apply(self, *features: flow.Features) -> flow.Result:
            return self.Mapping['apply'](*features)

        def is_stateful(cls) -> bool:
            attr = cls.Mapping[flow.Actor.train.__name__]
            return callable(attr) or hasattr(cls.Origin, attr)

        def __getattribute__(self, item):
            if item not in {'Origin', 'Mapping', '_origin'}:
                if item in self.Mapping:
                    attr = self.Mapping[item]
                    return self.Decorated(self._origin, attr) if callable(attr) else getattr(self._origin, attr)
                if hasattr(self._origin, item):
                    return getattr(self._origin, item)
            return super().__getattribute__(item)

    def __new__(
        name: str,
        bases: tuple[type],
        namespace: dict[str, typing.Any],
        origin: typing.Optional[type] = None,
        mapping: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, 'Class.Target']] = None,
        if origin:
            assert not issubclass(origin, flow.Actor), 'Already an actor'
        if mapping:
            mapping = dict(mapping)
            if not all(
                isinstance(a, (str, typing.Callable))  # pylint: disable=isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type
                for a in mapping.values()
                raise TypeError('Invalid mapping')
            for method in (flow.Actor.apply, flow.Actor.train, flow.Actor.get_params, flow.Actor.set_params):
                mapping.setdefault(method.__name__, method.__name__)
            for target in {t for s, t in mapping.items() if s != flow.Actor.train.__name__ and not callable(t)}:
                if not callable(getattr(origin, target, None)):
                    raise TypeError(f'Wrapped actor missing required {target} implementation')
            mapping = types.MappingProxyType(mapping)

        actor = super().__new__(
            {mcs.Actor.Origin.__name__: origin, mcs.Actor.Mapping.fget.__name__: mapping},
        actor = functools.update_wrapper(actor, origin, updated=())
            lambda a: (
                (a.get_state(), a.get_params()),
                lambda o, s: (o.set_state(s[0]), o.set_params(**s[1])),
        return actor

class Parametric(flow.Actor[flow.Features, flow.Labels, flow.Result], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """Base class for function based actors."""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs: typing.Any):
        self._kwargs: dict[str, typing.Any] = kwargs

    def get_params(self) -> typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]:
        return dict(self._kwargs)

    def set_params(self, **kwargs) -> None:

class Stateless(abc.ABCMeta):
    """Stateless function-based actor metaclass."""

    class Actor(Parametric[flow.Features, None, flow.Result], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
        """Stateless actor based on the given function."""

        def Apply(*features, **kwargs) -> flow.Result:  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            """Wrapped origin apply function (to be injected by metaclass)."""

        def __init__(self, **kwargs: typing.Any):
            signature = inspect.signature(self.Apply)
            params = {
                for p in signature.parameters.values()
                if p.kind in {inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD}
            # validating the kwonly params - the rest is expected to be *features

        def apply(self, *features: flow.Features) -> flow.Result:
            return self.Apply(*features, **self._kwargs)

    def __new__(
        name: str,
        bases: tuple[type],
        namespace: dict[str, typing.Any],
        apply: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[..., flow.Result]] = None,
        actor = super().__new__(
            {mcs.Actor.Apply.__name__: staticmethod(apply)},
        return functools.update_wrapper(actor, apply, updated=())

State = typing.TypeVar('State')

class Stateful(abc.ABCMeta):
    """Stateful function-based actor metaclass."""

    class Actor(
        typing.Generic[State, flow.Features, flow.Labels, flow.Result],
        Parametric[flow.Features, flow.Labels, flow.Result],
        """Stateful actor based on the given functions."""

        def Apply(state: State, features: flow.Features, **kwargs) -> flow.Result:  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            """Wrapped origin apply function (to be injected by metaclass)."""

        def Train(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            state: typing.Optional[State], features: flow.Features, labels: flow.Labels, **kwargs
        ) -> State:
            """Wrapped origin train function (to be injected by metaclass)."""

        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            # validating the kwargs against the signatures
            # skipping initial args - state+features+labels for train mode and state+features for apply mode
            for skip, origin in (3, self.Train), (2, self.Apply):
                signature = inspect.signature(origin)
                params = itertools.islice(signature.parameters.values(), skip, None)
            self._state: typing.Optional[State] = None

        def train(self, features: flow.Features, labels: flow.Labels, /) -> None:
            state = self.Train(self._state, features, labels, **self._kwargs)
            if state is None:
                LOGGER.warning('Stateful function-based actor returned None state - not considered trained')
            self._state = state

        def apply(self, features: flow.Features) -> flow.Result:
            if self._state is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Actor not trained')
            return self.Apply(self._state, features, **self._kwargs)

        def get_state(self) -> bytes:
            if self._state is None:
                return b''
            return cloudpickle.dumps(self._state)

        def set_state(self, state: bytes) -> None:
            if state:
                self._state = cloudpickle.loads(state)

    def __new__(
        name: str,
        bases: tuple[type],
        namespace: dict[str, typing.Any],
        train: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[..., State]] = None,
        apply: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[..., flow.Result]] = None,
        actor = super().__new__(
            {mcs.Actor.Apply.__name__: staticmethod(apply), mcs.Actor.Train.__name__: staticmethod(train)},
        return functools.update_wrapper(actor, apply, updated=())

[docs]class Actor: """Central class providing decorators/wrappers for creating ForML *Actors* using a number of convenient ways not requiring to fully implement the :class:`flow.Actor <forml.flow.Actor>` base class from scratch. .. rubric:: Decorator Methods Methods: apply(origin): Decorator for turning a given plain function into a *stateless* Actor. Args: origin: Decorated function. The function must have one of the following signatures:: def foo(*features: flow.Features) -> flow.Result: def foo(features: flow.Features) -> flow.Result: def foo(*features: flow.Features, opt1, optN=None) -> flow.Result: def foo(features: flow.Features, *, opt1, optN=None) -> flow.Result: def foo(*features: flow.Features, opt1, **kwargs) -> flow.Result: def foo(features: flow.Features, /, *, opt1, **kwargs) -> flow.Result: Attention: The optional arguments ``opt1``, ``opt2``, and ``**kwargs`` must all be *keyword-only* arguments. Returns: A *stateless* Actor class with the given *apply* logic. Examples: Simple stateless imputation actor using the provided value to fill the NaNs:: @wrap.Actor.apply def StaticImpute( df: pandas.DataFrame, *, column: str, value: float, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: df[column] = df[column].fillna(value) return df train(origin): Decorator for turning a given plain function into a follow-up apply function decorator. Stateful actors need to have distinct implementations for their :ref:`train vs apply modes <workflow-mode>`. This wrapping facility achieves that by decorating two companion functions each implementing the relevant mode. Args: origin: Decorated train function. The decorated *train* function must have one of the following signatures:: def foo(state: typing.Optional[State], features: flow.Features, labels: flow.Labels) -> State: def foo(state: typing.Optional[State], features: flow.Features, labels: flow.Labels, opt1, optN=None) -> State: def foo(state: typing.Optional[State], features: flow.Features, labels: flow.Labels, /, opt1,**kwargs) -> State: The function will receive the *previous state* as the first parameter and is expected to provide the *new state* instance as its return value. Returns: Follow-up *decorator* to be used for wrapping the companion *apply* function which eventually returns a *stateful* Actor class with the given *train-apply* logic. The decorated *apply* function must have one of the following signatures:: def foo(state: State, features: flow.Features) -> flow.Result: def foo(state: State, features: flow.Features, opt1, optN=None) -> flow.Result: def foo(state: State, features: flow.Features, /, opt1, **kwargs) -> flow.Result: The function will receive the *current state* as the first parameter and is expected to provide the *apply-mode* transformation result. Examples: Simple stateful imputation actor using the trained mean value to fill the NaNs:: @wrap.Actor.train # starting with wrapping the train-mode function def MeanImpute( state: typing.Optional[float], # receving the previous state (not used) features: pandas.DataFrame, labels: pandas.Series, *, column: str, ) -> float: return features[column].mean() # returning the new state @MeanImpute.apply # continue with the follow-up apply-mode function decorator def MeanImpute( state: float, # receiving current state features: pandas.DataFrame, *, column: str ) -> pandas.DataFrame: features[column] = features[column].fillna(state) return features # apply-mode result type(origin=None, /, *, apply=None, train=None, get_params=None, set_params=None): Wrapper for turning an external user class into a valid Actor. This can be used either as a parameterless decorator or optionally with mapping of Actor methods to decorated user class implementation. Args: origin: Decorated class. apply: Target method name or decorator function implementing the actor :meth:`apply <forml.flow.Actor.apply>` logic. train: Target method name or decorator function implementing the actor :meth:`train <forml.flow.Actor.train>` logic. get_params: Target method name or decorator function implementing the actor :meth:`get_params <forml.flow.Actor.get_params>` logic. set_params: Target method name or decorator function implementing the actor :meth:`set_params <forml.flow.Actor.set_params>` logic. Returns: Actor class. Examples: >>> RfcActor = wrap.Actor.type( ... sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier, ... train='fit', ... apply=lambda c, *a, **kw: c.predict_proba(*a, **kw).transpose()[-1], ... ) """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long # noqa: E501 class Train: """Follow-up train function decorator.""" def __init__(self, origin: typing.Callable[..., State]): self._origin: typing.Callable[..., State] = origin def apply(self, origin: typing.Callable[..., flow.Result], /) -> type[flow.Actor]: """Apply function decorator (following-up from a train function decorator) turning it into a stateful Actor. See Also: Full description in the class docstring. """ if not inspect.isfunction(origin): raise TypeError(f'Invalid actor function {origin}') return Stateful(origin.__name__, (), {}, train=self._origin, apply=origin)
[docs] @classmethod def apply(cls, origin: typing.Callable[..., flow.Result], /) -> type[flow.Actor]: """Function decorator turning it into a stateless Actor. See Also: Full description in the class docstring. """ if not inspect.isfunction(origin): raise TypeError(f'Invalid actor function {origin}') return Stateless(origin.__name__, (), {}, apply=origin)
[docs] @classmethod def train(cls, origin: typing.Callable[..., State], /) -> 'Actor.Train': """Train function decorator turning it into a follow-up apply function decorator. See Also: Full description in the class docstring. """ if not inspect.isfunction(origin): raise TypeError(f'Invalid actor function {origin}') return cls.Train(origin)
[docs] @classmethod def type(cls, origin: typing.Optional[type] = None, /, **mapping: Class.Target) -> type[flow.Actor]: """Decorator for turning an external user class into a valid actor. See Also: Full description in the class docstring. """ def decorator(origin: type) -> type[flow.Actor]: """Decorating function.""" if not inspect.isclass(origin): raise TypeError(f'Invalid actor class {origin}') return Class(origin.__name__, (), {}, origin=origin, mapping=mapping) if origin: decorator = decorator(origin) return decorator
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): raise TypeError(f'Illegal attempt instantiating {cls.__name__}.')