Source code for forml.pipeline.payload._split

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Payload splitting functions.
import abc
import logging
import typing

import pandas
from pandas.core import generic as pdtype

from forml import flow

from . import _convert

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from forml.pipeline import payload

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Column = typing.TypeVar('Column')

[docs]class CrossValidable(typing.Protocol[flow.Features, flow.Labels, Column]): """Protocol for implementing the :ref:`cross-validation <sklearn:cross_validation>` splitters. This matches for example all the particular :mod:`SKLearn Splitter Classes <sklearn:sklearn.model_selection>`. Methods: split(features, labels=None, groups=None, /): Generate indices to split data into training and test set. Args: features: Train features data. labels: Target data. groups: Group membership vector indicating which group each record belongs to. Returns: Iterable of tuples of train/test indexes. get_n_splits(features, labels=None, groups=None, /): Get the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator. Args: features: Train features data. labels: Target data. groups: Group membership vector indicating which group each record belongs to. Returns: Number of folds. """
[docs] def split( self, features: flow.Features, labels: typing.Optional[flow.Labels] = None, groups: typing.Optional[Column] = None, /, ) -> typing.Iterable[tuple[typing.Sequence[int], typing.Sequence[int]]]: """Generate indices to split data into training and test set. Args: features: Train features data. labels: Target data. groups: Group membership vector indicating which group each record belongs to. Returns: Iterable of tuples of train/test indexes. """
[docs] def get_n_splits( self, features: flow.Features, labels: typing.Optional[flow.Labels] = None, groups: typing.Optional[Column] = None, /, ) -> int: """Get the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator. Args: features: Train features data. labels: Target data. groups: Group membership vector indicating which group each record belongs to. Returns: Number of folds. """
[docs]class CVFoldable( typing.Generic[flow.Features, flow.Labels, Column], flow.Actor[flow.Features, flow.Labels, typing.Sequence[flow.Features]], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta, ): """Abstract actor splitting the flow into N-fold train-test branches based on the provided cross-validator. The actor keeps all the generated indices in its internal state so that it can be used repeatedly for example to split data and labels separately while in sync. It represents a topology of *1:2N* input/output ports. The splits are provided as a range of output ports where a given fold with index ``i`` is delivered via ports: * ``[2 * i]`` - *trainset* * ``[2 * i + 1]`` - *testset* Args: crossvalidator: Particular *generator* of the cross-validation indexes to be used for the splitting. groups_extractor: Optional *callable* to be applied to the data to extract the group membership vector. Following is the abstract method that needs to be defined in the implementing classes: Methods: split(features, indices): Splitting implementation. Args: features: Source features to split. indices: Sequence of fold indices to split by. Returns: Sequence of repeated *train*, *test*, *train*, *test*, ... sets of split fold indexes. """ def __init__( self, crossvalidator: 'payload.CrossValidable[flow.Features, flow.Labels, Column]', groups_extractor: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[['flow.Features'], Column]] = None, ): self._crossvalidator: CrossValidable[flow.Features, flow.Labels, Column] = crossvalidator self._groups_extractor: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[flow.Features], Column]] = groups_extractor self._indices: typing.Optional[tuple[tuple[typing.Sequence[int], typing.Sequence[int]]]] = None def train(self, features: flow.Features, labels: flow.Labels, /) -> None: """Train the splitter on the provided data. Args: features: X table. labels: Y series. """ groups = self._groups_extractor(features) if self._groups_extractor else None self._indices = tuple(self._crossvalidator.split(features, labels, groups)) # tuple it so it can be pickled def apply(self, features: flow.Features) -> typing.Sequence[flow.Features]: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Transforming the input feature set into two outputs separating the label column into the second one. Args: features: Input data set. Returns: Sequence of repeated train, test, train, test, ... split folds. """ if not self._indices: raise RuntimeError('Splitter not trained') LOGGER.debug('Splitting into %d train-test folds', len(self._indices)) return self.split(features, self._indices)
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def split( cls, features: flow.Features, indices: typing.Sequence[tuple[typing.Sequence[int], typing.Sequence[int]]] ) -> typing.Sequence[flow.Features]: """Splitting implementation. Args: features: Source features to split. indices: Sequence of fold indices to split by. Returns: Sequence of repeated train, test, train, test, ... split folds. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def get_params(self) -> dict[str, typing.Any]: """Standard param getter. Returns: Actor params. """ return {'crossvalidator': self._crossvalidator} def set_params(self, crossvalidator: CrossValidable) -> None: """Standard params setter. Args: crossvalidator: New crossvalidator. """ self._crossvalidator = crossvalidator
[docs]class PandasCVFolds(CVFoldable[pandas.DataFrame, pdtype.NDFrame, pandas.Series]): """Cross-validation splitter of train-test folds working with Pandas payloads. See the :class:`payload.CVFoldable <forml.pipeline.payload.CVFoldable>` base class for more details and the synopsis. """ @_convert.pandas_params def train(self, features: pandas.DataFrame, labels: pdtype.NDFrame, /) -> None: super().train(features, labels) @_convert.pandas_params def apply(self, features: pandas.DataFrame) -> typing.Sequence[pandas.DataFrame]: return super().apply(features) @classmethod def split( cls, features: pandas.DataFrame, indices: typing.Sequence[tuple[typing.Sequence[int], typing.Sequence[int]]] ) -> typing.Sequence[pandas.DataFrame]: return tuple( s for a, b in indices for s in (features.iloc[a].reset_index(drop=True), features.iloc[b].reset_index(drop=True)) )