Source code for forml.pipeline.payload._generic

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Column manipulation actors.
import logging
import typing

import pandas

from forml import flow

from .. import wrap
from . import _convert

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@wrap.Actor.apply def Apply( # pylint: disable=invalid-name *features: flow.Features, function: typing.Callable[..., flow.Features] ) -> flow.Features: """Apply(*, function: typing.Callable[..., flow.Features]) Generic stateless function-based transformer actor. It can work with an arbitrary number of M:N input/output ports depending on the topology implemented by the owning operator. Args: function: Callable transformer to be applied to the data. Returns: Result of the *function* applied to the input data. Examples: >>> APPLY = payload.Apply(function=lambda df: df.dropna()) """ return function(*features)
[docs]@wrap.Actor.apply def PandasConcat(*features: flow.Features, **kwargs) -> flow.Features: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """PandasConcat(**kwargs) Stateless concatenation actor based on :func:`pandas:pandas.concat`. It plugs into a topology of *N:1* input/output ports. Args: kwargs: Any keywords accepted by :func:`pandas:pandas.concat`. Examples: >>> CONCAT = payload.PandasConcat(axis='columns', ignore_index=False) """ return pandas.concat((_convert.pandas_read(f) for f in features), **({'copy': False} | kwargs))
[docs]@wrap.Actor.apply def PandasSelect( # pylint: disable=invalid-name features: pandas.DataFrame, *, columns: typing.Sequence[str] ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """PandasSelect(*, columns: typing.Sequence[str]) Stateless mapper actor for :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` column selection. Args: columns: Sequence of columns to be selected. Returns: New DataFrame with only the selected columns. Examples: >>> SELECT = payload.PandasSelect(columns=['foo', 'bar']) """ return features[list(columns)]
[docs]@wrap.Actor.apply def PandasDrop( # pylint: disable=invalid-name features: pandas.DataFrame, *, columns: typing.Sequence[str] ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """PandasDrop(*, columns: typing.Sequence[str]) Stateless mapper actor for :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` column dropping. Args: columns: Sequence of columns to be dropped. Returns: New DataFrame without the dropped columns. Examples: >>> DROP = payload.PandasDrop(columns=['foo', 'bar']) """ return features.drop(columns=list(columns))
[docs]class MapReduce(flow.Operator): """MapReduce(*mappers: flow.Builder, reducer: flow.Builder = PandasConcat.builder()) Operator for applying parallel (possibly stateful) mapper actors and combining their outputs using a final (stateless) reducer. Args: mappers: Builders for individual mapper actors to be applied in parallel. reducer: Builder for a final reducer actor. The actor needs to accept as many inputs as many mappers are provided. Defaults to :class:`payload.PandasConcat <forml.pipeline.payload.PandasConcat>`. Examples: >>> MAPRED = payload.MapReduce( ... payload.PandasSelect.builder(columns=['foo']), ... payload.PandasDrop.builder(columns=['foo']), ... ) """ def __init__( self, *mappers: flow.Builder, reducer: flow.Builder = PandasConcat.builder(axis='columns') # noqa: B008 ): if raise TypeError('Stateful reducer') if not mappers: raise ValueError('Mappers required') self._mappers: tuple[flow.Builder] = mappers self._reducer: flow.Builder = reducer def compose(self, scope: flow.Composable) -> flow.Trunk: left: flow.Trunk = scope.expand() apply_reducer = flow.Worker(self._reducer, len(self._mappers), 1) train_reducer = apply_reducer.fork() for idx, mapper in enumerate(self._mappers): apply_applier = flow.Worker(mapper, 1, 1) apply_applier[0].subscribe(left.apply.publisher) train_applier = apply_applier.fork() train_applier[0].subscribe(left.train.publisher) if train_trainer = apply_applier.fork() train_trainer.train(left.train.publisher, left.label.publisher) apply_reducer[idx].subscribe(apply_applier[0]) train_reducer[idx].subscribe(train_applier[0]) return left.use(apply=left.apply.extend(tail=apply_reducer), train=left.train.extend(tail=train_reducer))