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Internal payload utilities.
import abc
import typing

import numpy
import pandas

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from import layout

#: Sequence of items (n-dimensional but only the top one needs to be accessible).
Array = typing.Sequence[typing.Any]
#: Sequence of columns of any type (columnar, column-wise semantic).
ColumnMajor = Array
#: Sequence of rows of any type (row-wise semantic).
RowMajor = Array
#: Generic type variable representing arbitrary native type.
Native = typing.TypeVar('Native')

[docs]class Tabular: """Dataset interface providing both *row* and *column*-oriented representation of the underlying data. This is a lightweight interface to be used internally for data payload as returned by the Feed ``Reader`` only to be immediately turned to ``RowMajor`` representation once leaving the Feed ``Slicer``. """ def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Tabular) and all( s == o for i, j in zip(self.to_rows(), other.to_rows()) for s, o in zip(i, j) )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def to_columns(self) -> 'layout.ColumnMajor': """Get the dataset in a column-oriented structure. Returns: Column-wise dataset representation. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def to_rows(self) -> 'layout.RowMajor': """Get the dataset in a row-oriented structure. Returns: Row-wise dataset representation. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def take_rows(self, indices: typing.Sequence[int]) -> 'layout.Tabular': """Slice the table returning a new instance with just the selected rows. Args: indices: Row indices to take. Returns: New instance with just the given rows taken. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def take_columns(self, indices: typing.Sequence[int]) -> 'layout.Tabular': """Slice the table returning a new instance with just the selected columns. Args: indices: Column indices to take. Returns: New instance with just the given columns taken. """
class Dense(Tabular): """Simple Tabular implementation backed by numpy array.""" def __init__(self, rows: numpy.ndarray): self._rows: numpy.ndarray = rows def __eq__(self, other): return numpy.array_equal(self._rows, other._rows) if isinstance(other, Dense) else super().__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return id(self._rows) @staticmethod def _to_ndarray(data: 'layout.Array') -> numpy.ndarray: """Helper for creating a ndarray instance. Args: data: Input array. Returns: NDArray instance. """ return data if isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray) else numpy.array(data, dtype=object) @classmethod def from_columns(cls, columns: 'layout.ColumnMajor') -> 'layout.Dense': """Helper for creating Tabular from sequence of columns. Args: columns: Sequence of columns to use. Returns: Dense instance representing the columnar data. """ return cls(cls._to_ndarray(columns).T) @classmethod def from_rows(cls, rows: 'layout.RowMajor') -> 'layout.Dense': """Helper for creating Tabular from sequence of rows. Args: rows: Sequence of rows to use. Returns: Dense instance representing the row data. """ return cls(cls._to_ndarray(rows)) def to_columns(self) -> 'layout.ColumnMajor': return self._rows.T def to_rows(self) -> 'layout.RowMajor': return self._rows def take_rows(self, indices: typing.Sequence[int]) -> 'layout.Dense': return self.from_rows(self._rows.take(indices, axis=0)) def take_columns(self, indices: typing.Sequence[int]) -> 'layout.Dense': return self.from_columns(self._rows.T.take(indices, axis=0)) class Frame(Tabular): """Simple Tabular implementation backed by :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame`.""" class Major(Array, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for Row/Column oriented slices.""" def __init__(self, frame: pandas.DataFrame): self.frame: pandas.DataFrame = frame @property @abc.abstractmethod def axis(self) -> int: """The axis number along which this slicer operates.""" def __getitem__(self, index): iloc = [index, index] axis = 1 - self.axis iloc[axis] = range(len(self.frame.axes[axis])) result = self.frame.iloc[tuple(iloc)] if isinstance(index, int): return result return self.__class__(result) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.frame.axes[self.axis]) class Rows(Major, RowMajor): """Row oriented accessor.""" @property def axis(self) -> int: return 0 class Columns(Major, ColumnMajor): """Column oriented accessor.""" @property def axis(self) -> int: return 1 def __init__(self, data: pandas.DataFrame): self._data: pandas.DataFrame = data def __eq__(self, other): return self._data.equals(other) if isinstance(other, Frame) else super().__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return id(self._data) def to_columns(self) -> 'layout.Frame.Columns': return self.Columns(self._data) def to_rows(self) -> 'layout.Frame.Rows': return self.Rows(self._data) def take_rows(self, indices: typing.Sequence[int]) -> 'layout.Frame': return Frame(self._data.iloc[list(indices)]) def take_columns(self, indices: typing.Sequence[int]) -> 'layout.Frame': return Frame(self._data.iloc[:, list(indices)])