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Payload encoding utils.
import abc
import cgi
import collections
import fnmatch
import functools
import io
import json
import logging
import re
import types
import typing

import pandas

import forml
from import dsl

from . import _external, _internal

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from import layout

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_CSV = re.compile(r'\s*,\s*')

[docs]class Encoding(collections.namedtuple('Encoding', 'kind, options')): """Content type/encoding representation to be used by the :ref:`Serving <serving>` gateways. Args: kind: Content type label. options: Encoding options. """ class Unsupported(forml.MissingError): """Indication of an unsupported content type/encoding.""" kind: str """Content type label.""" options: typing.Mapping[str, str] """Encoding options.""" def __new__(cls, kind: str, /, **options: str): return super().__new__(cls, kind.strip().lower(), types.MappingProxyType(options)) @functools.cached_property def header(self) -> str: """Get the header-formatted representation of this encoding. Returns: Header-formatted representation. Examples: >>> layout.Encoding('application/json', charset='UTF-8').header 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' """ value = self.kind if self.options: value += '; ' + '; '.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in self.options.items()) return value
[docs] @classmethod @functools.lru_cache def parse(cls, value: str) -> typing.Sequence['layout.Encoding']: """Caching parser of the content type header values. Args: value: Comma-separated list of content type values and their parameters. Returns: Sequence of the :class:`Encoding` instances ordered according to the provided priority. Examples: >>> layout.Encoding.parse('image/GIF; q=0.6; a=x, text/html; q=1.0') ( Encoding(kind='text/html', options={}), Encoding(kind='image/gif', options={'a': 'x'}) ) """ return tuple( cls(m, **{k: v for k, v in o.items() if k != 'q'}) for m, o in sorted( (cgi.parse_header(h) for h in _CSV.split(value)), key=lambda t: float(t[1].get('q', 1)), reverse=True, ) )
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def match(self, other: 'layout.Encoding') -> bool: """Return true if the other encoding matches ours including glob wildcards. Encoding matches if its kind fits our kind as a pattern (including potential glob wildcards) while all of our options are a subset of the other options. Args: other: Encoding to match against this. Must not contain wildcards! Returns: True if matches. Examples: >>> layout.Encoding('application/*').match( ... layout.Encoding('application/json') ... ) True """ return ( '*' not in other.kind and fnmatch.fnmatch(other.kind, self.kind) and all(other.options.get(k) == v for k, v in self.options.items()) )
def __hash__(self): return hash(self.kind) ^ hash(tuple(sorted(self.options.items()))) def __str__(self): return self.kind def __getnewargs_ex__(self): return (self.kind,), dict(self.options)
[docs]class Decoder(abc.ABC): """Decoder base class."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def loads(self, data: bytes) -> 'layout.Entry': """Decoder logic. Args: data: Bytes to decode. Returns: Decoded entry. """
[docs]class Encoder(abc.ABC): """Encoder base class.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def encoding(self) -> 'layout.Encoding': """Get the encoding produced by this encoder. Returns: Encoding instance. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def dumps(self, outcome: 'layout.Outcome') -> bytes: """Encoder logic. Args: outcome: Outcome to encode. Returns: Encoded entry. """
class Pandas: """Combo of Pandas based decoder/encoder wrappers.""" class Schema: """Schema util.""" _CACHE: dict[int, dsl.Source.Schema] = {} MAX_SAMPLE = 10 @classmethod def from_frame(cls, frame: pandas.DataFrame) -> dsl.Source.Schema: """Infer the DSL schema from the given Pandas DataFrame. Args: frame: Non-empty pandas dataframe to infer the schema from. Returns: Inferred schema. """ key = hash(tuple(frame.dtypes.items())) if key not in cls._CACHE: if frame.empty: raise forml.MissingError('Empty frame') # infer schema from a number of rows (MAX_SAMPLE) and take the most frequently occurring cls._CACHE[key] = collections.Counter( dsl.Schema.from_record(r, *frame.columns) for r in frame.sample(min(len(frame), cls.MAX_SAMPLE)).itertuples(index=False) ).most_common(1)[0][0] return cls._CACHE[key] class Decoder(Decoder): """Pandas based decoder.""" def __init__(self, converter: typing.Callable[[str], pandas.DataFrame]): self._converter: typing.Callable[[str], pandas.DataFrame] = converter def loads(self, data: bytes) -> 'layout.Entry': frame = self._converter(data.decode()) schema = Pandas.Schema.from_frame(frame) return _external.Entry(schema, _internal.Frame(frame)) class Encoder(Encoder): """Pandas based encoder.""" def __init__(self, converter: typing.Callable[[pandas.DataFrame], str], encoding: 'layout.Encoding'): self._converter: typing.Callable[[pandas.DataFrame], str] = converter self._encoding: 'layout.Encoding' = encoding @property def encoding(self) -> 'layout.Encoding': return self._encoding @classmethod @functools.lru_cache def _columns(cls, schema: dsl.Source.Schema) -> typing.Sequence[str]: """Get the column list for the given schema. Args: schema: Descriptor to extract the columns from. Returns: Columns from schema. """ return tuple( for f in schema) def dumps(self, outcome: 'layout.Outcome') -> bytes: return self._converter(pandas.DataFrame(, columns=self._columns(outcome.schema))).encode() class Json: """Json encoding utils.""" @staticmethod def to_pandas(data: str) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Try decoding data as JSON returning it as pandas DataFrame. Args: data: Encoded json data. Returns: Pandas DataFrame of the decoded data. """ src = json.loads(data) if isinstance(src, list): # list of row dicts return pandas.DataFrame.from_records(src) if 'instances' in src: # TF serving's "instances" format return pandas.DataFrame.from_records(src['instances']) if 'inputs' in src: # TF serving's "inputs" format return pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(src['inputs'], orient='columns') # fallback to columns return pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(src, orient='columns') _JSON = 'application/json' ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_COLUMNS = Encoding(_JSON, format='pandas-columns') ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_INDEX = Encoding(_JSON, format='pandas-index') ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_RECORDS = Encoding(_JSON, format='pandas-records') ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_SPLIT = Encoding(_JSON, format='pandas-split') ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_TABLE = Encoding(_JSON, format='pandas-table') ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_VALUES = Encoding(_JSON, format='pandas-values') ENCODING_JSON = Encoding(_JSON) ENCODING_CSV = Encoding('text/csv') #: List of default encoders. ENCODERS: typing.Sequence[Encoder] = ( Pandas.Encoder(functools.partial(pandas.DataFrame.to_json, orient='records'), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_RECORDS), Pandas.Encoder(functools.partial(pandas.DataFrame.to_json, orient='columns'), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_COLUMNS), Pandas.Encoder(functools.partial(pandas.DataFrame.to_json, orient='index'), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_INDEX), Pandas.Encoder( functools.partial(pandas.DataFrame.to_json, orient='split', index=False), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_SPLIT ), Pandas.Encoder( functools.partial(pandas.DataFrame.to_json, orient='table', index=False), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_TABLE ), Pandas.Encoder(functools.partial(pandas.DataFrame.to_json, orient='values'), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_VALUES), Pandas.Encoder(functools.partial(pandas.DataFrame.to_csv, index=False), ENCODING_CSV), ) #: List of default decoders. DECODERS: typing.Sequence[tuple[Decoder, 'layout.Encoding']] = ( (Pandas.Decoder(functools.partial(pandas.read_json, orient='columns')), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_COLUMNS), (Pandas.Decoder(functools.partial(pandas.read_json, orient='index')), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_INDEX), (Pandas.Decoder(functools.partial(pandas.read_json, orient='records')), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_RECORDS), (Pandas.Decoder(functools.partial(pandas.read_json, orient='split')), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_SPLIT), (Pandas.Decoder(functools.partial(pandas.read_json, orient='table')), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_TABLE), (Pandas.Decoder(functools.partial(pandas.read_json, orient='values')), ENCODING_JSON_PANDAS_VALUES), (Pandas.Decoder(Json.to_pandas), ENCODING_JSON), (Pandas.Decoder(lambda v: pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO(v))), ENCODING_CSV), )
[docs]@functools.lru_cache def get_decoder(source: 'layout.Encoding') -> 'layout.Decoder': """Get a decoder suitable for the given source encoding. Args: source: Explicit encoding (no wildcards expected!) to find a decoder for. Returns: Decoder for the given source encoding. Raises: layout.Encoding.Unsupported: If no suitable encoder available. Examples: >>> layout.get_decoder( ... layout.Encoding('application/json', format='pandas-columns') ... ).loads(b'{"A":{"0":1,"1":2},"B":{"0":"a","1":"b"}}').data.to_rows() array([[1, 'a'], [2, 'b']], dtype=object) """ for codec, encoding in DECODERS: if encoding.match(source): return codec raise Encoding.Unsupported(f'No decoder for {source}')
[docs]@functools.lru_cache def get_encoder(*targets: 'layout.Encoding') -> 'layout.Encoder': """Get an encoder capable of producing one of the given target encodings. Args: targets: Encoding patterns (wildcards possible) to be produced by the matched encoder. Returns: Encoder for one of the given target encoding. Raises: layout.Encoding.Unsupported: If no suitable encoder available. Examples: >>> layout.get_encoder( ... layout.Encoding('foo/bar'), ... layout.Encoding('application/*') ... ).encoding.header 'application/json; format=pandas-records' """ for pattern in targets: for codec in ENCODERS: if pattern.match(codec.encoding): return codec raise Encoding.Unsupported(f'No encoder for any of {targets}')