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ETL schema types.
import abc
import collections
import enum
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import operator as opermod
import types
import typing

from .. import _exception
from . import frame as framod
from . import kind as kindmod

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from import dsl

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def cast(value: typing.Any) -> 'dsl.Feature':
    """Attempt to create a literal instance of the value unless already a feature.

        value: Value to be represented as Operable feature.

        Operable feature instance.
    if not isinstance(value, Feature):
        LOGGER.debug('Converting value of %s to a literal type', value)
        value = Literal(value)
    return value

[docs]class Feature(tuple, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class of the individual *columnar* data series features. A *Feature* is anything that can be used as a handle for independent columnar data. It is a homogenous series of data of the same :attr:`kind`. """ class Visitor: """Feature visitor.""" def visit_feature(self, feature: 'dsl.Feature') -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Generic feature hook. Args: feature: 'dsl.Feature' instance to be visited. """ def visit_aliased(self, feature: 'dsl.Aliased') -> None: """Generic expression hook. Args: feature: Aliased feature instance to be visited. """ feature.operable.accept(self) self.visit_feature(feature) def visit_element(self, feature: 'dsl.Element') -> None: """Generic expression hook. Args: feature: Element instance to be visited. """ self.visit_feature(feature) def visit_literal(self, feature: 'dsl.Literal') -> None: """Generic literal hook. Args: feature: Literal instance to be visited. """ self.visit_feature(feature) def visit_expression(self, feature: 'dsl.Expression') -> None: """Generic expression hook. Args: feature: Expression instance to be visited. """ for term in feature: if isinstance(term, Feature): term.accept(self) self.visit_feature(feature) def visit_window(self, feature: 'dsl.Window') -> None: """Generic window hook. Args: feature: Window instance to be visited. """ self.visit_feature(feature) class Dissect(Visitor): """Visitor extracting feature instances of given type(s).""" def __init__(self, *types: type): self._types: frozenset[type] = frozenset(types) self._match: set['Feature'] = set() def __call__(self, *feature: 'dsl.Feature') -> frozenset['dsl.Feature']: """Apply this dissector to the given features. Args: feature: Sequence of features to dissect. Returns: Set of instances matching the registered types used in given feature(s). """ for col in feature: col.accept(self) return frozenset(self._match) def visit_feature(self, feature: 'dsl.Feature') -> None: if any(isinstance(feature, t) for t in self._types): self._match.add(feature) def __new__(cls, *args): return super().__new__(cls, args) def __getnewargs__(self): return tuple(self) def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({", ".join(repr(a) for a in self)})' def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__) ^ super().__hash__() @abc.abstractmethod def accept(self, visitor: 'dsl.Feature.Visitor') -> None: """Visitor acceptor. Args: visitor: Visitor instance. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def kind(self) -> 'dsl.Any': """Feature type. Returns: Type. """
[docs] def alias(self, alias: str) -> 'dsl.Aliased': """Use an alias for this feature. Args: alias: Aliased feature name. Returns: New feature instance with the given alias. """ return Aliased(self, alias)
@property @abc.abstractmethod def operable(self) -> 'dsl.Operable': """Return the operable representation of this feature (apart from Aliased, operable is the feature itself). Returns: Feature's operable representation. """ @classmethod def dissect(cls, *feature: 'dsl.Feature') -> frozenset['dsl.Feature']: """Return an iterable of instances of this type composing given feature(s). Args: feature: Sequence of features to dissect. Returns: Set of this type instances used in given feature(s). """ return cls.Dissect(cls)(*feature) @classmethod def ensure_is(cls, feature: 'dsl.Feature') -> 'dsl.Feature': """Ensure given feature is of our type. Args: feature: 'dsl.Feature' to be verified. Returns: Original feature if instance of our type or raising otherwise. """ feature = cast(feature) if not isinstance(feature, cls): raise _exception.GrammarError(f'{feature} not an instance of a {cls.__name__}') return feature @classmethod def ensure_in(cls, feature: 'dsl.Feature') -> 'dsl.Feature': """Ensure given feature is composed of our type. Args: feature: 'dsl.Feature' to be verified. Returns: Original feature if containing our type or raising otherwise. """ if not cls.dissect(feature): raise _exception.GrammarError(f'No {cls.__name__} instance(s) found in {feature}') return feature @classmethod def ensure_notin(cls, feature: 'dsl.Feature') -> 'dsl.Feature': """Ensure given feature is not composed of our type. Args: feature: 'dsl.Feature' to be verified. Returns: Original feature if not of our type or raising otherwise. """ if cls.dissect(feature): raise _exception.GrammarError(f'{cls.__name__} instance(s) found in {feature}') return feature
def featurize(handler: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]) -> typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]: """Decorator for forcing function arguments to operable features. Args: handler: Callable to be decorated. Returns: Decorated callable. """ @functools.wraps(handler) def wrapper(*args: typing.Any) -> typing.Sequence['dsl.Operable']: """Actual decorator. Args: *args: Arguments to be forced to features. Returns: Arguments converted to features. """ return handler(*(cast(a).operable for a in args)) return wrapper
[docs]class Operable(Feature, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for features that can be used in expressions, conditions, grouping, and/or ordering definitions. In principle, any non-aliased future is *Operable*. Operable feature instances are overloading the following native Python :doc:`operator API <python:library/operator>` to provide convenient DSL semantic: ================ ================================================ Type Syntax ================ ================================================ Comparison ``==``, ``!=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=`` Logical ``&``, ``|``, ``~`` Arithmetical ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, ``%`` ================ ================================================ See Also: Additional details are available under the :ref:`DSL functions and operators <query-functions>`. """ @property def operable(self) -> 'dsl.Operable': return self @classmethod def ensure_is(cls, feature: 'dsl.Feature') -> 'dsl.Operable': """Ensure the given feature is an ``Operable``.""" return super().ensure_is(feature).operable __hash__ = Feature.__hash__ # otherwise gets overwritten to None due to redefined __eq__ @featurize def __eq__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Equal': return Comparison.Pythonic(Equal, self, other) @featurize def __ne__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'NotEqual': return NotEqual(self, other) @featurize def __lt__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'LessThan': return Comparison.Pythonic(LessThan, self, other) @featurize def __le__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'LessEqual': return LessEqual(self, other) @featurize def __gt__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'GreaterThan': return GreaterThan(self, other) @featurize def __ge__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'GreaterEqual': return GreaterEqual(self, other) @featurize def __and__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'And': return And(self, other) @featurize def __rand__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'And': return And(other, self) @featurize def __or__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Or': return Or(self, other) @featurize def __ror__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Or': return Or(other, self) def __invert__(self) -> 'Not': return Not(self) @featurize def __add__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Addition': return Addition(self, other) @featurize def __radd__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Addition': return Addition(other, self) @featurize def __sub__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Subtraction': return Subtraction(self, other) @featurize def __rsub__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Subtraction': return Subtraction(other, self) @featurize def __mul__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Multiplication': return Multiplication(self, other) @featurize def __rmul__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Multiplication': return Multiplication(other, self) @featurize def __truediv__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Division': return Division(self, other) @featurize def __rtruediv__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Division': return Division(other, self) @featurize def __mod__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Modulus': return Modulus(self, other) @featurize def __rmod__(self, other: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'Modulus': return Modulus(other, self)
[docs]class Ordering(collections.namedtuple('Ordering', 'feature, direction')): """Container for holding the ordering specification. Attention: Instances are expected to be created internally by :meth:`dsl.Queryable.orderby <>`. """ feature: 'dsl.Operable' """Ordering feature.""" direction: 'dsl.Ordering.Direction' """Ordering direction.""" Term = typing.Union[ 'dsl.Operable', typing.Union['dsl.Ordering.Direction', str], 'tuple[dsl.Operable, typing.Union[dsl.Ordering.Direction, str]]', ] """Type alias for accepted ordering specifiers."""
[docs] @enum.unique class Direction(enum.Enum): """Ordering direction enum.""" ASCENDING = 'ascending' """Ascending direction.""" DESCENDING = 'descending' """Descending direction.""" @classmethod def _missing_(cls, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = value.lower() if value in {'asc', 'ascending'}: return cls.ASCENDING if value in {'desc', 'descending'}: return cls.DESCENDING return super()._missing_(value) def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.value}>' def __call__(self, feature: typing.Union['dsl.Operable', 'dsl.Ordering']) -> 'dsl.Ordering': if isinstance(feature, Ordering): feature = feature.feature return Ordering(feature, self)
def __new__( cls, feature: 'dsl.Operable', direction: typing.Optional[typing.Union['dsl.Ordering.Direction', str]] = None ): return super().__new__( cls, Operable.ensure_is(feature), cls.Direction(direction) if direction else cls.Direction.ASCENDING ) def __repr__(self): return f'{repr(self.feature)}{repr(self.direction)}'
[docs] @classmethod def make(cls, *terms: 'dsl.Ordering.Term') -> typing.Iterable['dsl.Ordering']: """Helper to generate orderings from the given terms. Args: terms: One or many features or actual ordering instances. Returns: Iterator of ordering instances. """ terms = itertools.zip_longest(terms, terms[1:]) for feature, direction in terms: if isinstance(feature, Feature): if isinstance(direction, (Ordering.Direction, str)): yield Ordering.Direction(direction)(feature) next(terms) # pylint: disable=stop-iteration-return else: yield Ordering(feature) elif isinstance(feature, typing.Sequence) and len(feature) == 2: feature, direction = feature yield Ordering.Direction(direction)(feature) else: raise _exception.GrammarError('Expecting pair of feature and direction')
[docs]class Aliased(Feature): """Representation of a *feature* with an explicit name alias. Attention: Instances are expected to be created internally via :meth:`dsl.Feature.alias <>`. """ operable: 'dsl.Operable' = property(opermod.itemgetter(0)) name: str = property(opermod.itemgetter(1)) def __new__(cls, feature: 'dsl.Feature', alias: str): return super().__new__(cls, feature.operable, alias) def __repr__(self): return f'{}=[{repr(self.operable)}]' @property def kind(self) -> 'dsl.Any': """Feature type. Returns: Inner feature type. """ return self.operable.kind def accept(self, visitor: 'dsl.Feature.Visitor') -> None: """Visitor acceptor. Args: visitor: Visitor instance. """ visitor.visit_aliased(self)
class Literal(Operable): """Literal value.""" value: typing.Any = property(opermod.itemgetter(0)) kind: 'dsl.Any' = property(opermod.itemgetter(1)) def __new__(cls, value: typing.Any): return super().__new__(cls, value, kindmod.reflect(value)) def __getnewargs__(self): return tuple([self.value]) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.value) def accept(self, visitor: 'dsl.Feature.Visitor') -> None: """Visitor acceptor. Args: visitor: Visitor instance. """ visitor.visit_literal(self)
[docs]class Element(Operable): """Name-referenced *feature* of a particular *origin* (``dsl.Table`` or ``dsl.Reference``).""" origin: 'dsl.Origin' = property(opermod.itemgetter(0)) name: str = property(opermod.itemgetter(1)) def __new__(cls, source: 'dsl.Origin', name: str): if isinstance(source, framod.Table) and not issubclass(cls, Column): return Column(source, name) return super().__new__(cls, source, name) def __repr__(self): return f'{repr(self.origin)}.{}' @property def kind(self) -> 'dsl.Any': return self.origin.schema[].kind def accept(self, visitor: 'dsl.Feature.Visitor') -> None: """Visitor acceptor. Args: visitor: Visitor instance. """ visitor.visit_element(self)
[docs]class Column(Element): """Special type of *element* is the *table* column type.""" origin: 'dsl.Table' = property(opermod.itemgetter(0)) def __new__(cls, table: 'dsl.Table', name: str): if not isinstance(table, framod.Table): raise ValueError('Invalid field source') return super().__new__(cls, table, name)
class Expression(Operable, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """Base class for expressions.""" def accept(self, visitor: 'dsl.Feature.Visitor') -> None: visitor.visit_expression(self) class Univariate(Expression, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """Base class for functions/operators of just one argument/operand.""" def __new__(cls, arg: 'dsl.Operable'): return super().__new__(cls, Operable.ensure_is(arg)) class Bivariate(Expression, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """Base class for functions/operators of two arguments/operands.""" def __new__(cls, arg1: 'dsl.Operable', arg2: 'dsl.Operable'): return super().__new__(cls, Operable.ensure_is(arg1), Operable.ensure_is(arg2)) class Operator(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin for an operator expression.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def symbol(self) -> str: """Operator symbol. Returns: String representation of the symbol. """ class Infix(Operator, Bivariate, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for infix operator expressions.""" left: 'dsl.Operable' = property(opermod.itemgetter(0)) right: 'dsl.Operable' = property(opermod.itemgetter(1)) def __repr__(self): return f'{repr(self[0])} {self.symbol} {repr(self[1])}' class Prefix(Operator, Univariate, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for prefix operator expressions.""" operand: 'dsl.Operable' = property(opermod.itemgetter(0)) def __repr__(self): return f'{self.symbol} {repr(self[0])}' class Postfix(Operator, Univariate, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for postfix operator expressions.""" operand: 'dsl.Operable' = property(opermod.itemgetter(0)) def __new__(cls, arg: 'dsl.Operable'): return super().__new__(cls, Operable.ensure_is(arg)) def __repr__(self): return f'{repr(self[0])} {self.symbol}'
[docs]class Predicate(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin for features representing *logical* or *comparison* operations. Specific predicate instances are produced from the native :class:`dsl.Operable <>` operators. """ class Factors(typing.Mapping['dsl.Table', 'dsl.Factors']): """Mapping (read-only) of predicate factors to their tables. Factor is a predicate which is involving exactly one and only table. """ def __init__(self, *predicates: 'dsl.Predicate'): items = {p: {f.origin for f in Column.dissect(p)} for p in predicates} if collections.Counter(len(s) == 1 for s in items.values())[True] != len(predicates): raise ValueError('Repeated or non-primitive predicates') self._items: typing.Mapping['dsl.Table', 'dsl.Predicate'] = types.MappingProxyType( {s.pop(): p for p, s in items.items()} ) @classmethod def merge( cls, left: 'dsl.Predicate.Factors', right: 'dsl.Predicate.Factors', operator: typing.Callable[['dsl.Predicate', 'dsl.Predicate'], 'dsl.Predicate'], ) -> 'dsl.Predicate.Factors': """Merge the two primitive predicates. Args: left: Left primitive to be merged. right: Right primitive to be merged. operator: Operator to be used for combining individual predicates. Returns: New Primitive instance with individual predicates combined. """ return cls( *( operator(left[k], right[k]) if k in left and k in right and hash(left[k]) != hash(right[k]) else left[k] if k in left else right for k in left.keys() | right.keys() ) ) def __and__(self, other: 'dsl.Predicate.Factors') -> 'dsl.Predicate.Factors': return self.merge(self, other, And) def __or__(self, other: 'dsl.Predicate.Factors') -> 'dsl.Predicate.Factors': return self.merge(self, other, Or) def __getitem__(self, table: 'dsl.Table') -> 'dsl.Predicate': return self._items[table] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._items) def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator['dsl.Table']: return iter(self._items) kind = kindmod.Boolean() @property @abc.abstractmethod def factors(self) -> 'dsl.Predicate.Factors': """Mapping of primitive source predicates - involving just a single ``Table``. Returns: Break down of factors constituting this predicate. """ @classmethod def ensure_is(cls: type['dsl.Operable'], feature: 'dsl.Operable') -> 'dsl.Operable': """Ensure the given feature is a predicate. Since this mixin class is supposed to be used as a first base class of its feature implementors, this will mask the Feature.ensure_is API. Here we add special implementation depending on whether it is used directly on the ``Predicate`` class or its bare mixin subclasses or the actual Feature implementation using this mixin. Args: feature: Instance to be checked for its predicate compatibility. Returns: Feature instance. """ feature = Operable.ensure_is(feature) if cls is Predicate: # bare Predicate - accept anything of a boolean kind. kindmod.Boolean.ensure(feature.kind) elif not issubclass(cls, Feature): # bare Predicate mixin subclasses if not isinstance(feature, cls): raise _exception.GrammarError(f'{feature} not an instance of a {cls.__name__}') else: # defer to the feature's .ensure_is implementation feature = next(b for b in cls.__bases__ if issubclass(b, Feature)).ensure_is(feature) return feature
class Logical(Predicate, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Mixin for logical operators.""" def __init__(self, *operands: 'dsl.Operable'): for arg in operands: Predicate.ensure_is(arg) class And(Logical, Infix): """And operator.""" symbol = 'AND' @functools.cached_property def factors(self: 'And') -> 'dsl.Predicate.Factors': return self.left.factors & self.right.factors class Or(Logical, Infix): """Or operator.""" symbol = 'OR' @functools.cached_property def factors(self: 'Or') -> 'dsl.Predicate.Factors': return self.left.factors | self.right.factors class Not(Logical, Prefix): """Not operator.""" symbol = 'NOT' @property def factors(self: 'Not') -> 'dsl.Predicate.Factors': return self.operand.factors class Comparison(Predicate): """Mixin for comparison operators.""" class Pythonic(Operable): """Semi proxy/lazy wrapper allowing native Python features like sorting or equality tests to work transparently without raising the syntax errors implemented in the constructors of the actual Comparison types. This instance is expected to be used only internally by Python itself. All code within ForML is supposed to use the extracted .operable instance of the true Comparison type. """ operator: type[Infix] = property(opermod.itemgetter(0)) left: 'dsl.Operable' = property(opermod.itemgetter(1)) right: 'dsl.Operable' = property(opermod.itemgetter(2)) def __new__(cls, operator: type[Infix], left: 'dsl.Operable', right: 'dsl.Operable'): return super().__new__(cls, operator, left, right) def __bool__(self): if self.operator is Equal: return hash(self.left) == hash(self.right) if self.operator is LessThan: return repr(self.left) < repr(self.right) raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected Pythonic comparison using {self.operator}') @property def kind(self) -> 'dsl.Any': raise RuntimeError('Pythonic comparison proxy used as a feature') def accept(self, visitor: 'dsl.Feature.Visitor') -> None: raise RuntimeError('Pythonic comparison proxy used as a feature') @property def operable(self) -> Infix: """Materialize the real Comparison instance represented by this proxy. Returns: Comparison instance. """ return self.operator(self.left, self.right) def __init__(self, *operands: 'dsl.Operable'): operands = [Operable.ensure_is(o) for o in operands] if not ( all(kindmod.Numeric.match(o.kind) for o in operands) or all(o.kind == operands[0].kind for o in operands) ): raise _exception.GrammarError(f'Invalid operands for {self} comparison') @functools.cached_property def factors(self: 'Comparison') -> 'dsl.Predicate.Factors': return Predicate.Factors(self) if len({f.origin for f in Column.dissect(self)}) == 1 else Predicate.Factors() class LessThan(Comparison, Infix): """Less-Than operator.""" symbol = '<' class LessEqual(Comparison, Infix): """Less-Equal operator.""" symbol = '<=' class GreaterThan(Comparison, Infix): """Greater-Than operator.""" symbol = '>' class GreaterEqual(Comparison, Infix): """Greater-Equal operator.""" symbol = '>=' class Equal(Comparison, Infix): """Equal operator.""" symbol = '==' def __bool__(self): """Evaluate the boolean value as of the Python context. Since this instance is also returned when python internally compares two ``Feature`` instances for equality (i.e. when the instance is stored within a hash-based container), we want to evaluate the boolean value for python perspective of the objects (rather than just the ETL perspective of the data). Note: This doesn't reflect mathematical commutativity - order of potential sub-expression operands matters. """ return hash(self.left) == hash(self.right) class NotEqual(Comparison, Infix): """Not-Equal operator.""" symbol = '!=' class IsNull(Comparison, Postfix): """Is-Null operator.""" symbol = 'IS NULL' class NotNull(Comparison, Postfix): """Not-Null operator.""" symbol = 'NOT NULL' class Arithmetic: """Mixin for numerical operators.""" def __init__(self, *operands: 'dsl.Operable'): operands = [Operable.ensure_is(o) for o in operands] if not all(kindmod.Numeric.match(o.kind) for o in operands): raise _exception.GrammarError(f'Invalid arithmetic operands for {self}') @property def kind(self) -> 'dsl.Numeric': """Largest cardinality kind of all operators kinds. Returns: Numeric kind. """ return functools.reduce( functools.partial(max, key=lambda k: k.__rank__), (o.kind for o in self), # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable ) class Addition(Arithmetic, Infix): """Plus operator.""" symbol = '+' class Subtraction(Arithmetic, Infix): """Minus operator.""" symbol = '-' class Multiplication(Arithmetic, Infix): """Times operator.""" symbol = '*' class Division(Arithmetic, Infix): """Divide operator.""" symbol = '/' class Modulus(Arithmetic, Infix): """Modulus operator.""" symbol = '%' class Cumulative(Expression, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for expressions involving cross-row operations."""
[docs]class Window(Cumulative): """Window function wrapper feature representation. Attention: Instances are expected to be created internally via :meth:`dsl.Window.Function.over() <>`. See Also: Supported window functions are available in the :ref:`window module <query-functions-window>`. Todo: Support for window expressions is experimental and unlikely to be supported by the existing parsers. """ function: 'dsl.Window.Function' = property(opermod.itemgetter(0)) partition: tuple['dsl.Operable'] = property(opermod.itemgetter(1)) ordering: tuple['dsl.Ordering'] = property(opermod.itemgetter(2)) frame: typing.Optional['dsl.Window.Frame'] = property(opermod.itemgetter(3)) class Frame(collections.namedtuple('Frame', 'mode, start, end')): """Sliding window frame spec.""" @enum.unique class Mode(enum.Enum): """Frame mode.""" ROWS = 'rows' GROUPS = 'groups' RANGE = 'range'
[docs] class Function(abc.ABC): """Window function representation mixin.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def kind(self) -> 'dsl.Any': """Function return type. Returns: Type. """
[docs] def over( self, partition: typing.Sequence['dsl.Operable'], ordering: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence['dsl.Ordering.Term']] = None, frame: typing.Optional = None, ) -> 'dsl.Window': """Create a window using this function. Args: partition: Window partitioning specifying the rows of query results. ordering: Order in which input rows should be processed. frame: Sliding window specification. Returns: Windowed feature instance. """ return Window(self, partition, ordering, frame)
def __new__( cls, function: 'dsl.Window.Function', partition: typing.Sequence['dsl.Feature'], ordering: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence['dsl.Ordering.Term']] = None, frame: typing.Optional = None, ): return super().__new__(cls, function, tuple(partition), Ordering.make(*(ordering or [])), frame) @property def kind(self) -> 'dsl.Any': return self.function.kind def accept(self, visitor: 'dsl.Feature.Visitor') -> None: """Visitor acceptor. Args: visitor: Visitor instance. """ visitor.visit_window(self)
class Aggregate(Cumulative, Window.Function, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for feature aggregation functions."""