Source code for forml.flow._suite.assembly

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ForML pipeline composition logic.
import collections
import functools
import typing
import uuid

from .._graph import atomic, span
from . import clean

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from forml import flow

[docs]class Trunk(collections.namedtuple('Trunk', 'apply, train, label')): """Structure for integrating the three related segments representing both the runtime modes.""" apply: 'flow.Segment' train: 'flow.Segment' label: 'flow.Segment' def __new__( cls, apply: typing.Optional[typing.Union['flow.Segment', 'flow.Node']] = None, train: typing.Optional[typing.Union['flow.Segment', 'flow.Node']] = None, label: typing.Optional[typing.Union['flow.Segment', 'flow.Node']] = None, ): def init(mode: typing.Optional[typing.Union['flow.Segment', 'flow.Node']]) -> span.Segment: """Apply default cleaning to the mode segment. Args: mode: Mode segment provided either as a segment or just a node. Returns: Cleaned mode segment. """ if not mode: mode = atomic.Future() if isinstance(mode, atomic.Node): mode = span.Segment(mode) return mode return super().__new__(cls, init(apply), init(train), init(label))
[docs] def extend( self, apply: typing.Optional[typing.Union['flow.Segment', 'flow.Node']] = None, train: typing.Optional[typing.Union['flow.Segment', 'flow.Node']] = None, label: typing.Optional[typing.Union['flow.Segment', 'flow.Node']] = None, ) -> 'flow.Trunk': """Helper for creating new Trunk with the specified segments *extended* by the provided instances. Args: apply: Optional segment to extend our existing *apply* segment with. train: Optional segment to extend our existing *train* segment with. label: Optional segment to extend our existing *label* segment with. Returns: New Trunk instance. """ return self.__class__( self.apply.extend(apply) if apply else self.apply, self.train.extend(train) if train else self.train, self.label.extend(label) if label else self.label, )
[docs] def use( self, apply: typing.Optional[typing.Union['flow.Segment', 'flow.Node']] = None, train: typing.Optional[typing.Union['flow.Segment', 'flow.Node']] = None, label: typing.Optional[typing.Union['flow.Segment', 'flow.Node']] = None, ) -> 'flow.Trunk': """Helper for creating new Trunk with the specified segments *replaced* by the provided values. Args: apply: Optional segment to replace our existing *apply* segment with. train: Optional segment to replace our existing *train* segment with. label: Optional segment to replace our existing *label* segment with. Returns: New Trunk instance. """ return self.__class__(apply or self.apply, train or self.train, label or self.label)
class Composition(collections.namedtuple('Composition', 'apply, train')): """Structure for holding related flow parts of different modes.""" apply: 'flow.Segment' train: 'flow.Segment' class Builder(tuple): """Composition builder.""" def __new__(cls, *blocks: 'flow.Composable'): return super().__new__(cls, blocks) def via(self, block: 'flow.Composable') -> 'flow.Composition.Builder': """Return a new builder with the given block appended. Args: block: Additional block to be appended at the end of the current chain. Returns: New builder instance. """ return self.__class__(*self, block) def build(self, sink: typing.Optional['flow.Composable'] = None) -> 'flow.Composition': """Close the builder with the optional sink. Args: sink: Optional (stateless) sink closing the builder. Returns: Composition instance. """ segments = list(self) if sink: segments.append(clean.Stateless(sink)) return Composition(*segments) def __new__(cls, /, first: 'flow.Composable', *others: 'flow.Composable'): composed = functools.reduce(lambda c, s: c.extend(*s.expand()), others, first.expand()) apply = composed.apply.extend() apply.accept(clean.Validator()) train = composed.train.extend() train.accept(clean.Validator()) # label = composed.label.extend() # label.accept(clean.Validator()) return super().__new__(cls, apply, train) @classmethod def builder( cls, extract: 'flow.Composable', transform: typing.Optional['flow.Composable'] = None ) -> 'flow.Composition.Builder': """Create a composition builder using the two source ETL components. Args: extract: Mandatory (stateless) part of the ETL. transform: Optional transform part of the ETL. Returns: Composition builder. """ loader = clean.Stateless(extract) if transform: loader >>= transform return cls.Builder(loader) @functools.cached_property def persistent(self) -> typing.Sequence[uuid.UUID]: """Get the set of nodes with state that needs to be carried over between the apply/train modes. The states used within the apply segment are expected to be subset of the states used in the train segment (since not all the stateful workers engaged during training are necessarily used during apply and hence don't need persisting so we can ignore them). Returns: Set of nodes sharing state between pipeline modes. """ apply = clean.Stateful() self.apply.accept(apply) return tuple(apply)