Source code for forml.evaluation._method

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Evaluation method implementations.
import typing

from sklearn import model_selection

from forml import flow
from forml.pipeline import payload as paymod

from . import _api

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from forml import evaluation
    from forml.pipeline import payload  # pylint: disable=reimported

[docs]class CrossVal(_api.Method): """Evaluation method based on a number of independent train-test trials using different parts of the same training dataset. The training dataset gets split into multiple (possibly overlaying) train-test pairs (folds) used to train a vanilla instance of the pipeline and to pass down *predictions* along with *true* outcomes independently for each fold. Args: crossvalidator: Implementation of the split-selection logic. splitter: Depending on the constructor version: 1. Folding actor type that is expected to take the *cross-validator* as its parameter. Defaults to :class:`payload.PandasCVFolds <forml.pipeline.payload.PandasCVFolds>`. 2. Actor builder instance defining the folding splitter. nsplits: The number of splits the splitter is going to generate (needs to be explicit as there is no generic way to infer it from the Builder). Examples: >>> CROSSVAL = evaluation.CrossVal( ... crossvalidator=sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold( ... n_splits=3, shuffle=True, random_state=42 ... ) ... ) """ @typing.overload def __init__( self, *, crossvalidator: 'payload.CrossValidable', splitter: 'type[payload.CVFoldable]' = paymod.PandasCVFolds, ): """Constructor based on a splitter supplied in form of a cross-validator and a folding actor type. Args: crossvalidator: Implementation of the split-selection logic. splitter: Folding actor type that is expected to take the *cross-validator* is its parameter. Defaults to :class:`payload.PandasCVFolds <forml.pipeline.payload.PandasCVFolds>`. """ @typing.overload def __init__(self, *, splitter: 'flow.Builder[payload.CVFoldable]', nsplits: int): """Constructor based on a ``splitter`` supplied in form of an actor *builder* instance. Args: splitter: Actor builder instance defining the folding splitter. nsplits: Number of splits the splitter is going to generate (needs to be explicit as there is no generic way to infer it from the Builder). """ def __init__(self, *, crossvalidator=None, splitter=paymod.PandasCVFolds, nsplits=None): if ((crossvalidator is None) ^ (nsplits is not None)) or ( (crossvalidator is None) ^ isinstance(splitter, flow.Builder) ): raise TypeError('Invalid combination of crossvalidator, splitter and nsplits') if not isinstance(splitter, flow.Builder): splitter = splitter.builder(crossvalidator=crossvalidator) nsplits = crossvalidator.get_n_splits() if nsplits < 2: raise ValueError('At least 2 splits required') self._nsplits: int = nsplits self._splitter: flow.Builder['payload.CVFoldable'] = splitter def produce( self, pipeline: flow.Composable, features: flow.Publishable, labels: flow.Publishable ) -> typing.Iterable['evaluation.Outcome']: splitter = flow.Worker(self._splitter, 1, 2 * self._nsplits) splitter.train(features, labels) features_splitter: flow.Worker = splitter.fork() features_splitter[0].subscribe(features) labels_splitter: flow.Worker = splitter.fork() labels_splitter[0].subscribe(labels) outcomes = [] for fid in range(self._nsplits): fold: flow.Trunk = pipeline.expand() fold.train.subscribe(features_splitter[2 * fid]) fold.label.subscribe(labels_splitter[2 * fid]) fold.apply.subscribe(features_splitter[2 * fid + 1]) outcomes.append(_api.Outcome(labels_splitter[2 * fid + 1].publisher, fold.apply.publisher)) return tuple(outcomes)
[docs]class HoldOut(CrossVal): """Evaluation method based on part of a training dataset being withheld for testing the predictions. The historical dataset available for evaluation is first split into two parts, one is used for training the pipeline, and the second for making actual *predictions* which are then exposed together with the *true* outcomes for eventual scoring. Note: This is implemented on top of the :class:`evaluation.CrossVal <forml.evaluation.CrossVal>` method simply by forcing the number of folds to 1. Args: test_size: Absolute (if ``int``) or relative (if ``float``) size of the test split (defaults to ``train_size`` complement or ``0.1``). train_size: Absolute (if ``int``) or relative (if ``float``) size of the train split (defaults to ``test_size`` complement). random_state: Controls the randomness of the training and testing indices produced. stratify: Use :class:`StratifiedShuffleSplit <sklearn:sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedShuffleSplit>` if ``True`` otherwise use :class:`ShuffleSplit <sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit>`. crossvalidator: Implementation of the split-selection logic. splitter: Depending on the constructor version: 1. The folding actor type that is expected to take the *cross-validator* is its parameter. Defaults to :class:`payload.PandasCVFolds <forml.pipeline.payload.PandasCVFolds>`. 2. Actor builder instance defining the train-test splitter. Examples: >>> HOLDOUT = evaluation.HoldOut(test_size=0.2, stratify=True, random_state=42) """ @typing.overload def __init__( self, *, test_size: typing.Optional[typing.Union[float, int]] = None, train_size: typing.Optional[typing.Union[float, int]] = None, random_state: typing.Optional[int] = None, stratify: bool = False, splitter: 'type[payload.CVFoldable]' = paymod.PandasCVFolds, ): """Constructor based explicit ``test_size``/``train_size`` specifications that will be used to setup a :class:`StratifiedShuffleSplit <sklearn:sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedShuffleSplit>` or :class:`ShuffleSplit <sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit>` cross-validator (depending on the ``stratify`` flag) for defining the splits. Args: test_size: Absolute (if ``int``) or relative (if ``float``) size of the test split (defaults to ``train_size`` complement or ``0.1``). train_size: Absolute (if ``int``) or relative (if ``float``) size of the train split (defaults to ``test_size`` complement). random_state: Controls the randomness of the training and testing indices produced. stratify: Use :class:`StratifiedShuffleSplit <sklearn:sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedShuffleSplit>` if True otherwise use :class:`ShuffleSplit <sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit>`. splitter: Folding actor type that is expected to take a *cross-validator* is its parameter. Defaults to :class:`payload.PandasCVFolds <forml.pipeline.payload.PandasCVFolds>`. """ @typing.overload def __init__( self, *, crossvalidator: 'payload.CrossValidable', splitter: 'type[payload.CVFoldable]' = paymod.PandasCVFolds, ): """Constructor based on a splitter supplied in form of a cross-validator and a folding actor type. Args: crossvalidator: Implementation of the split-selection logic. splitter: Folding actor type that is expected to take the *cross-validator* is its parameter. Defaults to :class:`payload.PandasCVFolds <forml.pipeline.payload.PandasCVFolds>`. """ @typing.overload def __init__(self, *, splitter: 'flow.Builder[payload.CVFoldable]'): """Constructor based on a ``splitter`` supplied in form of an actor *builder* instance. Args: splitter: Actor builder instance defining the train-test splitter. """ def __init__( self, *, test_size=None, train_size=None, random_state=None, stratify=None, crossvalidator=None, splitter=paymod.PandasCVFolds, ): if (test_size is None and train_size is None and random_state is None and stratify is None) ^ ( crossvalidator is not None or isinstance(splitter, flow.Builder) ): raise TypeError('Invalid combination of crossvalidator and test_size/train_size/random_state/shuffle') cvsplits = None if not isinstance(splitter, flow.Builder): if not crossvalidator: cvclass = model_selection.StratifiedShuffleSplit if stratify else model_selection.ShuffleSplit crossvalidator = cvclass( test_size=test_size, train_size=train_size, random_state=random_state, n_splits=2 ) else: cvsplits = 2 super().__init__(crossvalidator=crossvalidator, splitter=splitter, nsplits=cvsplits) self._nsplits = 1 # force to single fold to avoid actual crossvalidation